Human design is a cutting-edge personality assessment (and soul purpose guide) tool merging the ancient wisdom of the Chinese I’Ching, Hindu Chakra System, the Kabbalah with Quantum Physics.

Your own unique Human Design Chart gives you a map to the authentic YOU, helping you to understand how your energy works in the world, how you’re designed to make decisions, where you may be taking on or identifying with energy dynamics that aren’t really yours, how to connect to your purpose, and so much more.  By understanding your chart, you can optimize your gifts, get clear on your purpose, and learn how to navigate through struggles you have had or are having in your life.

Living a truly authentic life starts with knowing who you are, what you want, and what you need to do to create it. Your Human Design chart is your blueprint.


When you first book a reading you will be asked for your birthdate, time of birth and location of birth. I will run your chart and we will meet virtually for your reading. 

 Areas of focus can include:
     Understanding the energies of your chart
     Areas that may cause some struggles
     How decision making can impact your life
     Learning about the resiliency keys and where they can have an effect how you feel
     Topic focused where you can ask about anything you are working through in your life



Personal Readings
60 minutes
In this 60-minute reading we will dive a bit deeper into your unique Design. We will focus on how your energy works in the world and how to maximize your innate strengths. We will also take a look at areas where you may struggle. If there are specific topics you’d like to discuss, please let me know ahead of time and it will help focus the session.

Reading includes:
  • Your Unique Human Design Chart   
  • Link to a recording of your session 
  • Human Design Blueprint
Please schedule 5 days from the day of purchase.

Upon booking you will be asked to review a contract and fill out an intake form. Please read it fully so that nothing is a surprise to you. 

3 sessions - 60 minutes each
This package is perfect if you want to go deep! Often it takes a few sessions to really get into all the depth and detail of your chart.  With this 3-session package, we can mix and match your sessions to include:
  • Technical understand of your chart
  • Life Purpose
  • Coaching based on your design
  • And More!
Reading includes:
  • Your unique Human Design Chart
  • Link to a recording of our session
  • Human Design Blueprint
Note: You will schedule the first session at the time of purchase. The remaining 2 we will schedule manually. (3 - 1 hr. sessions) All sessions must be booked within a 3-month period.

You may pay in FULL and SAVE $50 by using CODE: 50OFF.

Upon booking you will be asked to review a contract and fill out an intake form.  Please read it fully so that nothing is a surprise to you.

Relationship Readings
In this 60-minute reading we will combine your chart and your partner's chart to create a composite relationship Design . We will focus on where you and your partner are a good fit and where perhaps you may have some difficulty.  I will explain what the different types of channels are and how they affect your relationship.  If there are specific topics you’d like to discuss, please let me know ahead of time and it will help focus the session.

Reading includes:
  • Your Human Design Relationship Chart   
  • Link to a recording of your session 
Please schedule 5 days from the day of purchase.

Upon booking you will be asked to review a contract and fill out an intake form. Please read it fully so that nothing is a surprise to you. 

3 - 60 MINUTE sessions
This package is perfect if you and your partner both want to understand your unique design before doing your relationship reading! With this 3-session package, your sessions to include:

Reading includes:
  • Your unique Human Design Chart along with your partner's and your relationship reading
  • Link to a recording of our sessions
  • Human Design Blueprint for you and your partner
Note: You will schedule the first session at the time of purchase. The remaining 2 we will schedule manually. (3 - 1 hr. sessions) All sessions must be booked within a 3-month period.

You may pay in FULL and SAVE $50 by using CODE: 50OFF.

Upon booking you will be asked to review a contract and fill out an intake form.  Please read it fully so that nothing is a surprise to you.

5 - 60 MINUTE sessions
This package is perfect if you and your partner both want to understand your unique design before doing your relationship reading! And after we have done the readings, you each will have a Soul Alignment Session to start working on blocks that you feel are holding you back. 

With this 5-session package, your sessions to include:

  • Your unique Human Design Chart along with your partner's and your relationship reading
  • Link to a recording of our sessions
  • Human Design Blueprint for you and your partner
  • Soul Alignment Session for you and your partner individually
Note: You will schedule the first session at the time of purchase. The remaining 4 we will schedule manually. (5 - 1 hr. sessions) All sessions must be booked within a 3-month period.

You may pay in FULL and SAVE $50 by using CODE: 50OFF.

Upon booking you will be asked to review a contract and fill out an intake form.  Please read it fully so that nothing is a surprise to you.


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Disclaimer: The owner of this website does not dispense medical advise or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the owner is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional, spiritual or general overall well-being. In the event you use any of the information on this website for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the owner assumes no responsibility for your actions.

Copyright Lotus Sage Coaching  |  2023