Your own unique Human Design Chart gives you a map to the authentic YOU, helping you to understand how your energy works in the world, how you’re designed to make decisions, where you may be taking on or identifying with energy dynamics that aren’t really yours, how to connect to your purpose, and so much more. By understanding your chart, you can optimize your gifts, get clear on your purpose, and learn how to navigate through struggles you have had or are having in your life.
Living a truly authentic life starts with knowing who you are, what you want, and what you need to do to create it. Your Human Design chart is your blueprint
I invite you to get excited about YOU!
Fill out the form and click "View Your Chart".
It should take less than a minute to run your chart. You will be asked your birth date, birth time and birth location. If you are unsure of your birth time, put 0600 (6:00 am).
By clicking ‘Run My Chart Now!’ you agree to be added to our email list. We will send you insightful information and resources. You may unsubscribe anytime, and we will never share your information.
Can you see your Quantum Human DesignTM chart?
Your next step is to download your chart because you’ll need it on your journey. Head down to the next section.
You’ve taken the first step toward learning some exciting things about yourself. To get the most out of your unique Quantum Human Design™ chart, save it to refer back to.
NOTE: If you have pop-ups blocked on your browser, you may need to allow pop-ups to save your chart temporarily.
OK, got your chart saved somewhere handy? Great!
*Chart powered by Bodygraph
What Does My Chart Mean?
You have two options to learn more about your chart.
See below for which one is best for you!
Schedule a Reading
Starting at $155.00
I offer 60-minute and 90-minute readings for those who have not had a Human Design Chart Reading. We will focus on how your energy works in the world and how to maximize your innate strengths. We will also take a look at areas where you may struggle. You can also let me know if you have specific questions about your chart.
In the report you will gain insight how you take in your energy and the energy of those around you and how to best make decisions with your inner authority, You will also learn about your profile and how to understand each of your centers whether open or defined. This information is a building block into living a life more on purpose and in helping you manifest the life you desire.
Disclaimer: The owner of this website does not dispense medical advise or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the owner is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional, spiritual or general overall well-being. In the event you use any of the information on this website for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the owner assumes no responsibility for your actions.