Too many women define themselves by what others have told them who they are or who they “should” be. These voices can be our parents, grandparents, other family and friends.  And over time it can become the voice in our head. We believe these voices and become conditioned by these words and thoughts.  It isn’t who we are, but these voices cause us to live out of alignment with our true, authentic self. Then we wonder why we feel “off,” out of place, like something just isn’t right – or that nothing works out the way we want it to. When you are aligned with your heart and your soul and how your energy is designed to guide you, you can create the authentic, fulfilling life you’ve been seeking.

Sage Coaching uses a technique designed by Karen Curry Parker, called the Quantum Alignment System™. Through the integration of Human Design, energy psychology (EFT tapping), body and emotional therapies, and traditional coaching I create a transformational change in who you are. I focus on past patterns and conditioning that is no longer serving you in living your best life. I welcome you into a space that is safe for you to truly be honest with yourself while supporting you on this journey.  You will become aware of patterns and conditioning that are ready to be released which will put you in alignment with who your authentic self is.  Through this process I will encourage you to give yourself grace as you create foundations and prepare yourself to write your new empowered narrative of WHO YOU ARE at the Soul level.

My goal is to help you create lasting change and it starts with understanding and connecting with your Human Design Chart to bring you into alignment with who you are.  To feel seen and heard and honored for being your authentic self and to understand your gifts for this world.  We all have them and yours are unique to you and are waiting to be expressed.  In order to become aware of your gifts you must let go of past patterns and conditioning that no longer serves you.  These patterns are familiar, safe, you know what to expect and in turn how to respond.  They are unhealthy though and keep you from living in alignment with your authentic self. By releasing these patterns and conditioning you can now write the story of who YOU ARE and claim your worth and value.  It is time for you to now write your new empowering story of your life moving forward.  You deserve to be authentic, empowered, valued, and loved. I spend the time intuitively listening and focusing on you and your needs and wants so that you receive your desired outcome with awareness and preparation.  


30 minutes
This 30 minute session is your time to share, vent, let go of what is in your head and heart.  I am here to listen; to let you be seen and heard with compassion.  At the end we will speak briefly about how you are feeling and how I can better support you.  If we have time, we will complete a quick tapping session. While my focus is on female empowerment and sexuality, you can speak to whatever is happening in your life.  THIS IS YOUR TIME!

Upon booking you will be asked to review a contract. Please read it fully so that nothing is a surprise to you. 
60 minutes
A 60-minute session using the Quantum Alignment SystemTM synthesizing Human Design with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), subtle body therapies and coaching. You will have the ability to move through a possible block and understand more deeply how to live in alignment with your design.

Upon booking you will be asked to review a contract and fill out an intake form. Please read it fully so that nothing is a surprise to you. 
3 Sessions - 60 minutes each
You will receive three 60-minute session using the Quantum Alignment SystemTM synthesizing Human Design with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), subtle body therapies and coaching. You will have the ability to move through a possible block and understand more deeply how to live in alignment with your design. It is recommended to do at least 3 sessions to get the benefit of these transformational sessions.

Program Includes:
  • 90-Day Journal
  • Lotus Sage Lined Journal
Note: You will schedule the first session at the time of purchase.  The remaining 2 sessions we will schedule manually. (3 1-hr sessions total)

You may pay in FULL and SAVE $50 by using CODE: 50OFF.

Upon booking you will be asked to review a contract and fill out an intake form. Please read it fully so that nothing is a surprise to you. 
6 Sessions - 60 minutes each
It is time to release what is no longer serving you in this 6-session program over a 2-month period.  This program focuses on one specific issue that you are ready to remove from your life, whether it be a specific experience or something you have been struggling with for years.  Together, we will peel away the layers until you are free from this which is holding you back in your life.  From here you will create a new, empowering narrative to propel you forward in life.  Your first session will be your Human Design reading.  The following session will be using the SAGE method for coaching to help you finally release what is no longer serving you in your life.

Included with Program:
  • Human Design Reading
  • 90-Day Journal
  • Lotus Sage Lined Journal
Note: You will schedule the first session at the time of purchase. The remaining 5 we will schedule manually. (6 - 1 hr. sessions) 

You may pay in FULL and SAVE $100 by using CODE: 100OFF. 

Upon booking you will be asked to review a contract and fill out an intake form.  Please read it fully so that nothing is a surprise to you.
10 Sessions - 60 minutes each
Cultivate your resiliency with this 10-session program covering a 3 month period.  This program is designed to help you develop greater lovability, self-trust, courage, self-worth, emotional wisdom, vitality, decisiveness, empowerment and authenticity in your life.  This program was developed by Karen Parker to align with your Human Design Chart.

Program Includes:
  • Human Design Reading
  • 1 session covering each of the 9 resiliency keys
  • 90-Day Journal
  • Lots Sage line journal
Note: You will schedule the first session at the time of purchase.  The remaining 9 we will schedule manually. (Ten 1-hr. sessions)

You may pay in FULL and SAVE $200 by using CODE: 200off

Upon booking you will be asked to review a contract and fill out an intake form.  Please read it fully so that nothing is a surprise to you

relationship soul activation package
5 Sessions - 60 minutes each
This package is perfect if you and your partner both want to understand your unique design before doing your relationship reading! And after we have done the readings, you each will have a Soul Alignment Session to start working on blocks that you feel are holding you back. 

With this 5-session package, your sessions to include:

  • Your unique Human Design Chart along with your partner's and your relationship reading
  • Link to a recording of our sessions
  • Human Design Blueprint for you and your partner
  • Soul Alignment Session for you and your partner individually
Note: You will schedule the first session at the time of purchase. The remaining 4 we will schedule manually. (5 - 1 hr. sessions) All sessions must be booked within a 3-month period.

You may pay in FULL and SAVE $50 by using CODE: 50OFF.

Upon booking you will be asked to review a contract and fill out an intake form.  Please read it fully so that nothing is a surprise to you.


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Disclaimer: The owner of this website does not dispense medical advise or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the owner is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional, spiritual or general overall well-being. In the event you use any of the information on this website for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the owner assumes no responsibility for your actions.

Copyright Lotus Sage Coaching  |  2023