Sexuality by Design - Survey

My two favorite topics to support my clients with is Human Design and Sexuality.  
I am currently researching the correlation between Human Design, Love Languages & Erotic Blueprints.  

I invite you to be part of my study by filling out the following survey.  
In order to fill out the survey you will need to know your Human Design energy type and your Erotic Blueprint. 
The survey itself should take no more than 5 minutes.  Thank you so much for being a part of this study.


Your Human Design chart is the first step in becoming more familiar with who you are, how your energy works and how to bring more fulfillment into your life. 

Click on the link below to get your Human Design Chart.  You will need your chart to answer questions in the survey.


Your Erotic Blueprint is the starting point in understanding your sexuality at a deeper level. The blueprint consists of 5 types - Energetic, Sensual, Sexual, Kinky & Shapeshifter. This quiz may take up to 10 minutes.  If you would prefer to guess your blueprint you may do so!
  • Energetic - not touch arousal
  • Sensual - touch is important including setting the mood, using all senses
  • Sexual - wham, bam, thank you ma'am
  • Kinky - anything that is taboo to you
  • Shapeshifter - all 4 types above sound good and you want to play with all of them
Click on the link below to get your Erotic Blueprint.  You will have the option to do a basic one for free (at the bottom of the page) and to do an in-depth one for $17. You will need the basic blueprint to answer questions in the survey. As stated above you may guess but taking the quiz will give more accurate results.


Thank you so much for filling out my survey! I will display findings within one month. Your information will be anonymous for this survey.  I will only be displaying information related to the questions itself.  

As a thank you for your time -- USE CODE - 25OFF to receive your own personalized Human Design Reading.

I will not be sending you anything without your consent.  In the near future I will be sending out a quarterly newsletter.  If you are interested, let me know below.

Join Newsletter*
What is your Human Design Energy Type*
What is your TOP Erotic Blueprint *
What is your SECOND Erotic Blueprint*
What is your Love Language to Give*
What is your Love Language to Receive*
Do you have the Channel 2946 in your Human Design Chart*
Do you have the Channel 4130 in your Human Design Chart*
Do you have the Channel 5906 in your Human Design Chart*
Do you have the Gate 3 in your Human Design Chart*
Do you have the Gate 34 in your Human Design Chart*
Do you have the Gate 42 in your Human Design Chart*
Would you like to receive a Human Design Reading*
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Disclaimer: The owner of this website does not dispense medical advise or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the owner is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional, spiritual or general overall well-being. In the event you use any of the information on this website for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the owner assumes no responsibility for your actions.

Copyright Lotus Sage Coaching  |  2023